Contact Us
Network Directory
If you’d like to know more about Prima, or make an appointment at one of our clinics, here’s how you can reach us.
Our medical knowledge of digestive problems is ever-evolving as
advances are made in this field and doctors share expert knowledge regarding
some of the most common health complaints. The Department of Gastroenterology
at Prima places a strong emphasis on staying abreast of research. Here, we
provide highly skilled clinical staff, advanced equipment, and modern
procedures. In addition, Prima offers a range of diverse packages
relating to gastroenterological problems, created to meet the needs of patients
while helping to save costs.
Our medical knowledge of digestive problems is ever-evolving as
advances are made in this field and doctors share expert knowledge regarding
some of the most common health complaints. The Department of Gastroenterology
at Prima places a strong emphasis on staying abreast of research. Here, we
provide highly skilled clinical staff, advanced equipment, and modern
procedures. In addition, Prima offers a range of diverse packages
relating to gastroenterological problems, created to meet the needs of patients
while helping to save costs.
Our medical knowledge of digestive problems is ever-evolving as
advances are made in this field and doctors share expert knowledge regarding
some of the most common health complaints. The Department of Gastroenterology
at Prima places a strong emphasis on staying abreast of research. Here, we
provide highly skilled clinical staff, advanced equipment, and modern
procedures. In addition, Prima offers a range of diverse packages
relating to gastroenterological problems, created to meet the needs of patients
while helping to save costs.
Our medical knowledge of digestive problems is ever-evolving as
advances are made in this field and doctors share expert knowledge regarding
some of the most common health complaints. The Department of Gastroenterology
at Prima places a strong emphasis on staying abreast of research. Here, we
provide highly skilled clinical staff, advanced equipment, and modern
procedures. In addition, Prima offers a range of diverse packages
relating to gastroenterological problems, created to meet the needs of patients
while helping to save costs.
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Our medical knowledge of digestive problems is ever-evolving as
advances are made in this field and doctors share expert knowledge regarding
some of the most common health complaints. The Department of Gastroenterology
at Prima places a strong emphasis on staying abreast of research. Here, we
provide highly skilled clinical staff, advanced equipment, and modern
procedures. In addition, Prima offers a range of diverse packages
relating to gastroenterological problems, created to meet the needs of patients
while helping to save costs.
Our medical knowledge of digestive problems is ever-evolving as
advances are made in this field and doctors share expert knowledge regarding
some of the most common health complaints. The Department of Gastroenterology
at Prima places a strong emphasis on staying abreast of research. Here, we
provide highly skilled clinical staff, advanced equipment, and modern
procedures. In addition, Prima offers a range of diverse packages
relating to gastroenterological problems, created to meet the needs of patients
while helping to save costs.
Our medical knowledge of digestive problems is ever-evolving as
advances are made in this field and doctors share expert knowledge regarding
some of the most common health complaints. The Department of Gastroenterology
at Prima places a strong emphasis on staying abreast of research. Here, we
provide highly skilled clinical staff, advanced equipment, and modern
procedures. In addition, Prima offers a range of diverse packages
relating to gastroenterological problems, created to meet the needs of patients
while helping to save costs.
Please be informed that your requested appointment date/time is
subject to availability. We will contact you within X working days to confirm
your appointment. For urgent medical assistance, please call our 24-hour
hotline. For other enquiries, please contact us at X.