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Hoan My Medical Group launches Prima Medical Center: A holistic approach to complete well-being

18 May, 2023

Hoan My Medical Group has launched Prima, which it describes as a healthcare navigator for complete well-being solutions based on personalized experience.

Commenting at the launch of the medical centre in HCM City on May 15, Dr Dilshaad Ali Bin Abas Ali, group CEO of Hoan My Medical Group, said: “The World Health Organization defines health as complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Dr Dilshaad Ali Bin Abas Ali, Group CEO of Hoan My Medical Group, speaks at the launch of the Prima medical centre in HCMC on May 15 – Photo courtesy of Hoan My

From this holistic vision, we aim to provide patients with the best and most comprehensive care through our new brand Prima. Doing so will raise awareness and shape the culture of premium healthcare in Viet Nam.

Prima Medical Centre will bring a holistic approach that addresses the physical, emotional and psychological needs of patients, ensuring that they feel heard and understood in a caring and compassionate environment.”

Built to international standards, Prima offers a range of specialities including general internal medicine, cardiology, endocrinology, gastro-entero-hepatology, gastrointestinal endoscopy, pediatrics, ophthalmology, andrology, dental and maxillofacial care, otorhinolaryngology, obstetrics-gynecology, dermatology, orthopedics, and musculoskeletal medicine.

It offers a holistic health management and support system through digital solutions.

Patients can receive fast, regular health monitoring thanks to the integration of specialist knowledge and digital technologies. Having a healthcare navigator by a patient’s side helps with early disease detection and supports prompt medical attention.

There is a growing demand for premium healthcare services in Viet Nam, especially in big cities, with a large number of Vietnamese people going abroad for medical treatment each year.

Prima is expected to meet the demand of this segment, Dr Dilshaad said.

— Source: Vietnam News