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Cataract, Prima Medical Center Saigon

Advantages of Conventional Cataract Surgery (Phaco)

9 May, 2024

With a history of more than 50 years, Phaco is considered as an effective and safe method of treating cataracts that helped millions of patients worldwide restore vision. According to statistics in European countries, this is the leading solution in the field of cataract treatment.

To know why Phaco surgery is trusted by both ophthalmologists and patients, let’s learn about the irreplaceable advantages of this method through the article below!

Mr Tan Nguyen, a phaco patient with Dr An Trinh, Head of Cataract Surgery, Prima Saigon Eye Hospital

Mr Tan Nguyen, a phaco patient with Dr An Trinh, Head of Cataract Surgery, Prima Saigon Eye Hospital

What is Phaco surgery?

Cataract is a common vision-impairing disease in the elderly. In the early stages, the patient will only feel a little blurry vision like a thin fog. When the disease becomes more severe, the patient will need surgery to protect vision and prevent complications of the disease such as glaucoma, uveitis, blindness, etc.

Phaco surgery is a solution to restore vision for cataract patients by crushing the cloudy lens with high-frequency ultrasound waves and sucking it out, then replacing it with an artificial lens.

Prima Saigon Eye Hospital: Monofocal artificial lens is used in Phaco surgery

Prima Saigon Eye Hospital: Monofocal artificial lens is used in Phaco surgery

Outstanding advantages of Phaco surgery

High success rate

The average success rate for Phaco surgery is about 98% – 99%. This is an ideal number in cataract treatment, helping patients restore good vision, prevent complications of blindness and unnecessary accidents, and bring clear vision and a fulfilling life.

Small incision

Phaco surgery has an incision of only 2 – 3 mm, maximum 5 mm and automatically heals without stitches. This is a breakthrough benefit because with previous methods (ICCE, early IOL), the incision could be up to 8 – 10 mm and required many stitches.

Thereby, patients can safely experience Phaco surgery gently, with few complications and be discharged from the hospital the same day.

No pain, no bleeding

Before performing surgery, the patient was given drops to numb the eye surface, so he almost did not feel any pain. Phaco surgery is performed gently with a microsurgical knife and ultrasound waves, causing no bleeding during treatment.

Surgery and recovery time is quick

The average surgery time for one eye lasts only 5 minutes, the total surgery takes only 15 – 20 minutes. Patients can have surgery and be discharged from the hospital on the same day if their eyes are eligible for surgery and the hospital has available artificial lenses with appropriate parameters.

Besides, Phaco surgery also brings good visual quality with quick recovery time.

After only 1 day, the patient can perform daily activities such as walking, personal hygiene, reading, using electronic devices, etc. On average, after 4 months, the patient’s vision will improve. The patient has fully recovered and can participate in all activities with bright, healthy eyes.

Few complications, stable vision

With the anterior capsulotomy mechanism, Phaco surgery provides greater visual stability than previous surgeries. In addition, the rate of astigmatism is also less, thereby helping patients limit their dependence on glasses after surgery.

The incidence of serious complications (vitreous loss, macular edema, retinal detachment, endophthalmitis) is very low, providing a safe and effective treatment experience for patients.


Phaco surgery has a lower cost than other treatment methods, making it easier for many patients to access. Currently, the cost of Phaco surgery at Prima Saigon Eye Hospital  is being applied as follows:

  • Monofocal lens: 16,000,000 VND/eye – 32,000,000 VND/eye.
  • Multifocal lens: 28,000,000 VND/eye – 52,000,000 VND/eye.

If you need a cataract assessment, please have a visit to Prima Saigon Eye Hospital

  • Address: 27 Ky Dong St, District 3, HCMC
  • Websitehttps://primahealth.vn/en/
  • Business Hours: 07:30 – 17:00 from Monday – Saturday
  • HOTLINE: 0919-209-039 or 1900 – 9115

Prima Saigon recommends that clients should reserve their intended consultation at least three days before their visit for convenience and less waiting time.