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Prima Medical Center Saigon, Refractive and Lasik

Complications of high (severe) myopia

18 August, 2023

Most people with myopia are only concerned with the inconvenience in daily life and aesthetic problems when wearing glasses… but few people know that long-term severe myopia also increases the risk of eye diseases—other objects. Notably, severe progressive myopia can cause many dangerous complications, leading to other eye diseases such as amblyopia, strabismus, and retinal detachment.

Complications of high (severe) myopia

1. What is myopia?

Myopia is a refractive error that causes visual dysfunction; light rays focus in front of the retina instead of focusing on the right retina, making people with myopia see only near objects without seeing distant objects clearly.

2. Types of myopia

Myopia is divided into two types:

  • Myopia: also known as school myopia, usually begins at school age, a mild and moderate degree of myopia (6 diopters or less), slow progression, little increase, myopia level is generally stable when into adulthood, the complication rate is low.
  • Congenital Myopia: often congenital, with family factors, myopia is more than six diopters; in some cases, up to 30 diopters, the degree of myopia increases rapidly, even after adulthood. Myopia often has a risk of complications; the prognosis for treatment of these complications is poor, and the ability to restore vision is low.

3. Common complications of people with severe myopia

Retinal detachment, vitreous hemorrhage

The retina is a thin nerve membrane at the back of the eye that captures light and converts it into signals to be sent to the brain for analysis.

In the eyes of people with severe myopia, the axis of the eyeball is longer than usual, so it is easy to pull the retina, causing the peripheral area of ​​the retina to gradually thin. Long-term can cause retinal tear; removing will cause retinal detachment and blood vessels are also at risk of rupture, causing vitreous hemorrhage in the eye. These are serious complications, and the ability to recover vision is inferior.


Amblyopia is a condition in which vision is impaired because the brain does not receive all or part of the signals from the eye. Amblyopia can occur in one or both eyes due to high refractive or refractive errors.

Amblyopia, if detected early and timely (usually under six years old), can be treated to help children improve their vision. However, recovery will be challenging despite exercise or surgery if they are over six years old.


A condition in which the eye is not in its normal balanced position. In people with high myopia, the coordination and convergence of the muscles are poor, often leading to strabismus or alternating strabismus, causing aesthetic loss and loss of vision.

Strabismus can occur in one eye or both eyes. Mild cases can be corrected by wearing glasses; more severe cases may require surgical intervention to restore vision and aesthetics for the patient.

4. Notes on severe nearsightedness/ myopia

People with near-heavy shoes should not carry heavy loads, do strenuous work, not play serious sports (weightlifting, boxing, martial arts, …), and avoid injury to the eyes.

Need to go to the doctor immediately when there are suddenly blurred phenomena, distorted vision, blurred vision on one side, flying flies, flashes of light…

In addition, patients need to be examined periodically every 3-6 months to check the refraction, adjust the glasses appropriately, and read the fundus to detect complications and receive timely treatment. Young children can use Ortho-K night contact lenses to maintain the limit of increasing the number of glasses, helping to control refraction. Adults can learn surgical methods to treat refractive errors definitively.

The patient must conduct an in-depth examination to choose the most appropriate surgical method. Through the study, the doctor will check the parameters of refraction, corneal thickness, fundus condition, and the whole eyeball, thereby giving each patient the most optimal surgical method. To minimize fundus complications, patients should undergo additional laser procedures.

Complications of severe myopia are hazardous, so when nearsightedness, you should regularly go to specialized eye hospitals to check myopia.

If you have any eye problems, please contact Prima Medical Center Saigon:

  • Address: 27 Ky Dong St, Ward 9, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Website: https://primahealth.vn/en/   
  • Business Hours: 07:30 – 17:00 from Monday – Saturday
  • HOTLINE: 0919-209-039 or 1900 – 9115