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Prima Medical Center Saigon, Refractive and Lasik

Prima Saigon offers HCM City students eye exams

21 January, 2024

BizHub: Prima Saigon Medical Centre (Prima Saigon) has consulted and conducted eye exams for 1200 students in HCM City as part of the programme “Healthy Eyes-Bright Future”.

A Prima Saigon doctor examines the eyes of a student from Lê Lợi Secondary School.

A Prima Saigon doctor examines the eyes of a student from Lê Lợi Secondary School.

This is one of Prima Saigon’s community support activities helping raise students’ awareness of preventing eye diseases, and protecting and improving healthy eyes, the firm said in a statement.

CEO of Prima Saigon Medical Centre Trần Quốc Bảo said: “Health and education are a solid foundation and a premise for children’s development to adulthood. Therefore, Prima Saigon Medical Centre combined with Lê Lợi Secondary School in District 3 to bring an eye health care programme for students.

“This medical examination programme will help children detect early signs and causes of myopia and eye abnormalities. From there, families and schools can coordinate and come up with timely prevention and treatment methods for their children,” he said.

During the programme, Lê Lợi Secondary School students had their refraction measured. They had a comprehensive eye consultation by a team of qualified doctors and optometrists from Prima Saigon Medical Centre.

After the examination, doctors and opticians advised on nutrition, prescribed suitable glasses and provided additional helpful eye care knowledge, helping children realise the importance of early correction of refractive errors.

Refractive errors are a current concern among school-age students with eye health problems. In 2022, about 15-40 per cent of people had myopia nationwide. Among them, the primary target group was children aged 6-15. In particular schools in metropolitan cities, children with near-sightedness accounted for more than 50 per cent of the class.

According to medical specialists, the heavy use of electronic devices, study pressure, and inadequate rest regime, causing the eyes to focus at close range for long periods, are the leading causes of visual impairment. This situation affects the quality of life and students’ learning and playing process.

Prima Saigon Medical Centre is a member of Hoàn Mỹ Medical Group – one of the largest private medical networks in Việt Nam, with 14 hospitals and six clinics.