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Eyecare & Aesthetic, Eye Diseases, Eyes

Xanthelasma: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

17 May, 2023

Xanthelasma is a very common disease in middle-aged and older people, which causes discomfort and affects the aesthetics of the face. The cause of this disease is mainly due to the accumulation of lipid particles. However, the effectiveness of treating eyelid xanthoma depends largely on the proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Does xanthelasma heal by itself?

What is xanthelasma?

Xanthelasma, also known as yellow plaques on the eyelid, is a common dermatological pathology characterized by the accumulation of yellow patches in the skin around the eyes. Xanthelasma usually occurs in thin and sensitive areas of skin near the eyes, such as eyelids, if they are not obscured by muscle or fat. This common condition in adults does not cause unpleasant symptoms or harm health. However, it can be unaesthetic and make many people self-conscious when communicating.

On the other hand, there are different clinical types of xanthomata, including: xanthomes tubereax, xanthomes plans, xanthomes eruptifs, xanthomes tendineux, xanthogranulomatose, xanthomatoses disseminees.  Among them, xanthelasma is a type of xanthomes plans.

Is xanthelasma dangerous?

Causes of xanthelasma

Xanthelasma usually appears in adulthood, and there is no difference between men and women. However, eyelid xanthoma is associated with familial hypercholesterolemia syndrome, often occurring before reaching 10.

However, the leading causes of it have not been precisely determined. Even with this, some factors can increase the risk of developing eyelid xanthoma, including:

  • Inflammation or infection of the eyelids or lacrimal glands near the eyelids.
  • Ageing. As age increases, the skin around the eye becomes vulnerable.
  • Family history of xanthelasma: It can be hereditary.
  • Familial dysbetalipoproteinemia syndrome.
  • Increased cholesterol in the blood is caused by the gallbladder in preliminary biliary or Alagille syndrome.
  • Other conditions. Diseases such as ulcers, autoimmune diseases, eczema, rosacea, or any disease that affects skin health can increase the risk of getting xanthelasma.

However, these factors only increase the risk of developing xanthelasma and are not a direct cause. Therefore, when you have a yellow plaque on your eyelids, you need to go to a reputable medical facility to be diagnosed and treated properly.

Symptoms of xanthelasma

Symptoms of eyelid xanthoma usually begin with the appearance of a small lump or a macular on the eyelid. This lump can grow gradually and become more extensive, putting pressure on the eye, and reducing vision health. Besides, patients may also experience other symptoms such as watery eyes, difficulty seeing a bright light, or feeling sore eyes.

 Signs of having eyelid xanthoma

Specifically, the presence of xanthelasma is due to the number of foam cells and the appearance of inflammatory cells that lead to extracellular lipid deposition, causing fibrosis. This lesion presents with a circular or quadrangular shape, is not fixed in size and colour (sometimes very small, usually yellow) but has a very high chance of spreading. But in some cases, xanthelasma does not show any signs.

Therefore, when an abnormality is detected, it is important to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. If detected early, various types of xanthelasma can be effectively treated. However, if ignored or treated late, yellow plaques on eyelids can spread to surrounding areas, causing severe damage to eyes and vision.

How are xanthelasmas treated?

Although eyelid xanthoma is a common eye condition, its treatment depends on the cause and severity of the disease. To treat and eliminate lesions, and improve aesthetic problems, the treatment of xanthelasma also helps correct lipid metabolism disorders, reduce recurrence and limit complications caused by hyperlipidemia.

Treatment of xanthelasma

  • For xanthelasma with dyslipidemia: Treatment involves using medication to control the patient’s dyslipidemia to reduce the appearance of it caused by elevated blood lipids. Patients with xanthelasma associated with high blood lipids require clinical monitoring of pathologies associated with hyperlipidemia and underlying causes.
  • For xanthelasma without dyslipidemia: Treatment is mainly with surgical removal or destructive intervention but does not prevent its recurrence. Surgical removal has been used for a long time, with good cosmetic results. Other effective treatment methods include cryotherapy, CO2 laser, Er: YAG laser, and chemical peeling with 70% trichloroacetic acid.

In addition, patients with eyelid xanthoma also need to make changes in their diet and nutrition. The condition can be improved by supplementing with foods rich in vitamins A and E. Additionally, changing lifestyle can help minimize symptoms of yellow plaques on eyelids. This includes eating a balanced diet, sleeping well, avoiding direct sunlight, and not smoking.

However, the most important thing is to be diagnosed and treated early. Early visits to an eye specialist will help pinpoint the exact cause and choose the most effective treatment to correct the yellow plaques on eyelids.

Where to treat xanthelasma?

Curing xanthelasma effectively with Prima Health

Prima Health is a leading address in eye health care. With an experienced team of experts and advanced technology, we are committed to bringing you absolute satisfaction and trust. Here, we use modern treatment methods such as direct corticosteroid injection into the cyst, laser therapy, or cyst removal surgery to eliminate the root of the problem.

Let’s come to Prima Health to experience the best eye healthcare service and solve your xanthelasma problem correctly with us. Book an appointment today for advice and treatment from our experts.