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Cataract, Glaucoma, Prima Medical Center Saigon

Four major eye diseases causing blindness in the elderly

17 August, 2023

Every 5 seconds, an older adult goes blind in the world. An estimated 314 million people are blind and have low vision; Vietnam has about 2 million. Please share information about eye diseases that cause blindness in the elderly below that can be prevented or treated promptly, quickly, and inexpensively.

Eye diseases causing blindness in the elderly you should know

1. Cataracts 

Manifestations: Blurred distance vision, but still able to see up close. The near vision is blurred when the bead is ripe; only the hand’s shadow is seen before the eyes. The disease is painless and is particularly sensitive to light.

Treatment: The most common cause of blindness today, Phaco cataract surgery is the only treatment method.

2. Glaucoma: An common eye diseases in adults

Manifestations: Acute glaucoma has symptoms of severe pain, redness, blurred vision, colored rings, sometimes headache, and vomiting. Chronic glaucoma does not have severe pain but only fades; the visual field in front of the eye is narrowed.

Treatment: Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness, with no cure. The disease SHOULD BE EARLY Detected through screening to slow the progression of the disease.

Expression: When looking at an object, it is not clear, the image is distorted while the surrounding area is still visible, or when looking at a board with squares, the squares will be distorted. The disease is also painless and progresses gradually, becoming increasingly blurred.

Treatment: There is still no cure, but it can be controlled to prevent the disease from progressing. By: building a scientific diet and living activities, protecting eyes from UV rays, stopping smoking, reducing stress…

4. Night Blindness/ Nyctalopia

Manifestations: At dusk or night, blurred vision (night blindness), inability to distinguish colors, narrowing of the frontal field of vision like when looking through a circular tube, when the eye nerve is severe, atrophy causes permanent blindness.

Treatment: Similar to AMD, night blindness does not have a specific cure. Patients should be proactive in prevention with nutrition and eye protection.

Our Ophthalmology Care Team:

If you have any eye problems, please contact Prima Medical Center Saigon:

  • Address: 27 Ky Dong St, Ward 9, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Website: https://primahealth.vn/en/   
  • Business Hours: 07:30 – 17:00 from Monday – Saturday
  • HOTLINE: 0919-209-039 or 1900 – 9115