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Prima Medical Center Saigon, Eyecare & Aesthetic, Eye Diseases

Chalazion – What you need to know to protect your vision

15 May, 2023

Chalazion can cause severe damage to your vision if not detected and treated promptly. Therefore, understanding chalazion and how to protect vision from that disease is essential to keep your eyes healthy. In this article, let’s find helpful information about meibomian cysts with Prima Saigon.

What should I do if I have recurring chalazion?

What is chalazion?

Chalazion (meibomian cyst) is a common eye disorder that affects the vision and productivity of the eyes. Specifically, it is a painless lump on the eyelid. The cause is a blockage of the meibomian gland in the eyelid. At the same time, a meibomian cyst often causes uncomfortable symptoms such as blurred vision, eye pain, dizziness, headaches, and nausea.

Although both conditions can cause a “lump on the eyelid,” patients must distinguish between chalazion and hordeolum for effective treatment and prevention. It can occur in one or both eyes and affect vision, causing difficulties in reading, driving, walking, or performing other tasks in daily life. Therefore, when symptoms of the meibomian cyst are detected, it is essential to seek advice and support from an ophthalmologist.

Is chalazion healing by itself?

The likelihood of spontaneous recovery from chalazion depends on the cause of the condition as well as the severity of the disease.

 Meibomian cyst in children

For mild cases, chalazion may resolve on its own after a few days or weeks, when symptoms such as swelling, redness, or a rash have subsided. However, cases that are more severe and last longer may require a visit to a specialist for evaluation and treatment.

Sometimes, the meibomian cyst may recur if the person does not adhere to proper eye care. Moreover, if not treated properly, eyelid cysts can impair vision, make it difficult to function daily and affect the person’s quality of life.

Therefore, understanding and diagnosing meibomian cyst properly will help to treat better and prevent the disease. If you experience any of the symptoms of it, please seek medical attention early to ensure your visual health.

Is chalazion a dangerous disease?

 Is a meibomian cyst a dangerous disease?

Chalazion is not a dangerous disease, but it should be noted. It does not cause significant harm to the health of the patient. But the disease can cause severe vision problems if not treated promptly and adequately.

If the meibomian cyst is untreated, it can lead to eyelid inflammation, conjunctivitis, and corneal conjunctivitis. If left for a long time or improperly treated, these complications can permanently damage the eyes and cause vision impairment.

 People with chronic eyelid cyst disease must be treated promptly and appropriately to avoid serious consequences such as vision loss or even blindness.

Causes of chalazion

One of the common causes of chalazion is an infection of pores on eyelids or bacterial clogging, causing swelling and inflammation. But several other causes have now been identified.

Causes of chalazion

Here are some causes of chalazion:

  • Bacterial infection. This is the most common cause of the meibomian cyst. Bacteria are transmitted from hands to eyes, object surfaces, or the surrounding environment. This bacterium grows and infects the pores on the eyelids, leading to inflammation and swelling.
  • Cosmetics and makeup tools. Using cosmetics and makeup tools that are not adequately cleaned or used at the same time as others can increase the risk of eyelid cysts.
  • Health problems. Other conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, or a weak immune system can increase the risk of chalazion.
  • Bright light. Using a phone, computer, or any electronic device that is too bright and backlit or sitting too close to a screen can cause blinking.
  • Ambient condition. Dust, smoke, or other impurities in surroundings can increase the risk of the meibomian cyst.

Signs that you have a chalazion

 Sign of having chalazion

Your eyesight is in danger if you don’t know the signs of having chalazion. Below are the signs if you have a meibomian cyst that you need to concern about:

  • Pain and discomfort in the eyelid area. This is the most common sign of this condition. This pain and discomfort usually appear in the eyelid area and can last several hours or days.
  • Red and swollen eyes. When you have this disorder, the skin around the eyelids becomes red and swollen. If the condition becomes severe, the eye may swell, red and discharge fluid.
  • A feeling of heaviness in the eyes. Chalazion also causes a feeling of heavy and tired eyes, primarily when the eyes work hard for an extended period.
  • Irritation of the eyelid area. Sometimes, a person feels irritation or stinging in the skin around the eyelids.
  • Eyelash loss. Eyelash disease can lead to lash loss or broken eyelash hair.
  • Difficulty seeing. If the meibomian cyst is severe, it can cause difficulty seeing and vision loss.

If you experience any of the above signs, please get in touch with an ophthalmologist for timely advice and treatment. Early treatment of this disease will help you minimize symptoms and prevent other serious complications.

Treatment for chalazion

When there are symptoms and characteristic signs of chalazion, you must see a specialist for examination, diagnosis, and treatment. If you can’t see a doctor, apply warm compresses to the eyelid cyst area. Wet a clean towel with warm water and then apply it on the skin having a meibomian cyst. When the towel cools, reheat it with warm water, and put it back on. Repeat these steps for 15 minutes, 4 times a day. Also, pay special attention that you should not press or try to squeeze the chalazion area.

How to cure chalazion?

Depending on the cases, the severity of the disease and treatment method varies. In particular, the treatment of chalazion is usually classified according to general and specific treatments.

General treatment methods

  • Regular checkups. If you have chalazion, doctors will check regularly to assess the progression of the disease and adjust treatments accordingly.
  • Dietary adjustments. Eating a healthy and nutrient-rich diet can help reduce the risk of chalazion and improve overall health.
  • Lifestyle changes. Avoiding bright light, playing games, or working on the computer for long periods, getting enough sleep, reducing stress, and exercising regularly can help reduce symptoms of a meibomian cyst.

Specific treatment methods

  • Treatment of eye pathology. If the chalazion is caused by pathology of the eye, for example, conjunctivitis, infection, scarring, or iritis, then treatment of eye pathology is necessary.
  • Cosmetic treatments. If the meibomian cyst is caused by ageing, cosmetic treatments such as Botox injections, melasma, wrinkles and filler implants can help minimize this and make them look younger and brighter.
  • Surgery. In cases where chalazion is severe and cannot be treated by other methods, surgery is an effective action. Surgical methods may include replacing artificial eyes, suturing or orthopaedic eyelids, and removing damaged cells and tissues.
  • Treatment of related pathologies. If the meibomian cyst is caused by pathologies related to body systems, for example, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, anaemia, and high blood pressure, then treatment of pathologies related to these diseases is also necessary. Examining and treating related diseases will help minimize these conditions and ensure overall health.

Thus, during the examination, patients must cooperate closely with doctors to effectively achieve the best treatment results and prevent recurrence. Simultaneously, preventive measures and eye care should be taken afterwards, such as wearing protective glasses and avoiding bright light… to protect visual health.