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Bài viết mới nhất

Bài viết mới nhất

News Img
21 Tháng hai, 2024

Máy VisuMax có tên đầy đủ là hệ thống máy phẫu thuật khúc xạ Visumax, là một trong những thiết bị hiện đại nhất thế giới đang được sử dụng trong phương pháp phẫu thuật khúc xạ Femto-Lasik và phương pháp ReLEx® SMILE.

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21 Tháng hai, 2024

Một cặp kính mang thông số khúc xạ phù hợp, sẽ điều chỉnh hình ảnh hội tụ tại một điểm ngay trên võng mạc giống như mắt chính thị, qua đó giúp người mắc tật khúc xạ có tầm nhìn rõ nét hơn.

News Img
20 Tháng hai, 2024

Ở trẻ nhỏ có hệ miễn dịch chưa phát triển hoàn chỉnh, vì vậy có nguy cơ mắc các bệnh nhiễm khuẩn, trong đó phổ biến là mắt bé bị đổ ghèn mắt.

News Img
18 Tháng hai, 2024

Trung bình mỗi ngày đôi mắt của chúng ta hoạt động 17-18 tiếng, vì mắt phải làm việc liên tục, không được nghỉ ngơi nên mắt rơi vào tình trạng căng thẳng, mệt mỏi hay còn gọi là mỏi mắt do điều tiết.

News Img
18 Tháng hai, 2024

Phẫu thuật cườm khô PHACO tại Bệnh viện Mắt  Prima Saigonlà phương pháp sử dụng năng lượng sóng siêu âm để tán nhuyễn khối thủy tinh thể đục thành những mảnh nhỏ và được hút ra qua đầu tip PHACO.

News Img
16 Tháng hai, 2024

Theo BS An Trịnh dần theo thời gian lão hóa mắt, tiểu đường tiếp tục tấn công khiến các tế bào biểu mô của bao tăng sinh dẫn đến tình trạng đục thủy tinh thể dưới bao sau.

Our medical knowledge of digestive problems is ever-evolving as advances are made in this field and doctors share expert knowledge regarding some of the most common health complaints. The Department of Gastroenterology at Prima places a strong emphasis on staying abreast of research. Here, we provide highly skilled clinical staff, advanced equipment, and modern procedures. In addition, Prima offers a range of diverse packages relating to gastroenterological problems, created to meet the needs of patients while helping to save costs.
Our medical knowledge of digestive problems is ever-evolving as advances are made in this field and doctors share expert knowledge regarding some of the most common health complaints. The Department of Gastroenterology at Prima places a strong emphasis on staying abreast of research. Here, we provide highly skilled clinical staff, advanced equipment, and modern procedures. In addition, Prima offers a range of diverse packages relating to gastroenterological problems, created to meet the needs of patients while helping to save costs.
Our medical knowledge of digestive problems is ever-evolving as advances are made in this field and doctors share expert knowledge regarding some of the most common health complaints. The Department of Gastroenterology at Prima places a strong emphasis on staying abreast of research. Here, we provide highly skilled clinical staff, advanced equipment, and modern procedures. In addition, Prima offers a range of diverse packages relating to gastroenterological problems, created to meet the needs of patients while helping to save costs.
Our medical knowledge of digestive problems is ever-evolving as advances are made in this field and doctors share expert knowledge regarding some of the most common health complaints. The Department of Gastroenterology at Prima places a strong emphasis on staying abreast of research. Here, we provide highly skilled clinical staff, advanced equipment, and modern procedures. In addition, Prima offers a range of diverse packages relating to gastroenterological problems, created to meet the needs of patients while helping to save costs.
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Our medical knowledge of digestive problems is ever-evolving as advances are made in this field and doctors share expert knowledge regarding some of the most common health complaints. The Department of Gastroenterology at Prima places a strong emphasis on staying abreast of research. Here, we provide highly skilled clinical staff, advanced equipment, and modern procedures. In addition, Prima offers a range of diverse packages relating to gastroenterological problems, created to meet the needs of patients while helping to save costs.
Our medical knowledge of digestive problems is ever-evolving as advances are made in this field and doctors share expert knowledge regarding some of the most common health complaints. The Department of Gastroenterology at Prima places a strong emphasis on staying abreast of research. Here, we provide highly skilled clinical staff, advanced equipment, and modern procedures. In addition, Prima offers a range of diverse packages relating to gastroenterological problems, created to meet the needs of patients while helping to save costs.
Our medical knowledge of digestive problems is ever-evolving as advances are made in this field and doctors share expert knowledge regarding some of the most common health complaints. The Department of Gastroenterology at Prima places a strong emphasis on staying abreast of research. Here, we provide highly skilled clinical staff, advanced equipment, and modern procedures. In addition, Prima offers a range of diverse packages relating to gastroenterological problems, created to meet the needs of patients while helping to save costs.
Please be informed that your requested appointment date/time is subject to availability. We will contact you within X working days to confirm your appointment. For urgent medical assistance, please call our 24-hour hotline. For other enquiries, please contact us at X.