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Eyecare & Aesthetic, Prima Medical Center Saigon

Eye protection as daily computer usage

15 August, 2023

Here are Prima Medical Center Saigon guidelines for eye protection when you have to work all day long in front of the computer screen.

Eye protection as daily computer usage

1. Reduce the screen radiation

Glare and light reflected from the computer screen will shine directly into the eyes, causing eye discomfort and strain. Therefore, ophthalmologists believe that the radiation from the computer screen should be reduced, and the computer position should be located 50-60 cm from the eyes. Or you can adjust the brightness or put more filters on the screen.

It is better to use the new LCD liquid crystal display, which is better for your eyes than the old one.

2. Avoid working in the dark

Working in the dark will tire your eyes, and your eyes will not only work as usual but also have to adjust to the screen’s brightness and the surrounding darkness.

You often work with computers or read e-books, you should sit in a bright room, and the best light is natural light.

3. Eye exam

One of the ways of eye protection is to have regular eye exams. If your compliance with the correct screen distances and brightness does not improve blurred vision, you should have an eye exam.

4. Use artificial tears: A practical way of eye protection

Middle-aged people often experience dry eyes when working with computers. The habit of constantly staring at the screen or when reading books or magazines, rarely blinking, will make it easy to dry out and let your eyes rest every 20 minutes.

5. Don’t sit for too long

Holding the head and neck in one position for too long, primarily when you work at a computer or use information technology devices, often leads to pain in the neck or head. Adjust the screen to eye level and sit up straight, don’t sit in one place forever.

Occasionally you should stand up, walk while working, or sit with a large ball to help the muscles work.

6. Visual training

After using the computer for many hours, your eyes tire because the muscles must continuously work to perceive and observe many different shapes and colours. According to experts, you should apply the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes of working at the computer, look at something for 20 seconds 20 feet away. This rest will help the eyes and nervous system to relax.

7. Don’t look at the screen before going to bed

The computer screen is also one of the leading causes of harm to your eyes; letting the screen colour be too dark or too light makes you tired; please adjust the colour. The best way to help your eyes is always in the best state.

Our Ophthalmology Care Team:

If you have any eye problems, please contact Prima Medical Center Saigon:

  • Address: 27 Ky Dong St, Ward 9, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Website: https://primahealth.vn/en/   
  • Business Hours: 07:30 – 17:00 from Monday – Saturday
  • HOTLINE: 0919-209-039 or 1900 – 9115