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Prima Medical Center Saigon, Refractive and Lasik, Eyecare & Aesthetic

Guide of Contact lenses to prevent Dry Eye

24 August, 2023

The components that make up the tear film do not work properly, causing dry eyes

The components that make up the tear film do not work properly, causing dry eyes

In addition to many benefits, contact lenses also bring many problems for users such as dry eyes, eyestrain, inflammation, … In which, dry eye syndrome is said to be the most common. Find out the causes and ways to prevent this with Prima Medical Center Saigon through the article below!

What is dry eye syndrome while using contact lenses?

Dry eye syndrome is a chronic condition that occurs when the eye doesn’t have enough tear film to cover its outer surface. A healthy tear film has three components: oil, water, and mucus. If any of these ingredients are not working properly, symptoms of dry eye syndrome can result.

The components that make up the tear film do not work properly, causing dry eyes

Symptoms of dry eye syndrome include:

  • Dry eyes.
  • Discomfort when blinking.
  • Spicy eyes.
  • Increase light sensitivity.
  • Tears too much.
  • Red rash.
  • Itchy.

When wearing contact lenses, the eyes can become dry because the glasses block some of the oxygen from entering the eye or absorb tears to maintain the function of the lenses.

How to prevent dry eye syndrome when using contact lenses

Soft contact lenses

Some soft lenses are made from silicone hydrogel that contain spacers that help limit moisture evaporation. The manufacturers claim that these pads can keep the eyes moist for up to 16 hours. The design of the glass can hold up to 80% water. Consider using these soft contact lenses or pay attention to the moisture information of the lenses before you buy.

Scleral lens

The scleral lens is a large diameter contact lens that covers both the pupil (the iris) and part of the sclera (the white) of the eye with high air permeability. Usually, these glasses can prevent moisture evaporation well.

Prima Saigon: Highly air permeable scleral lens helps relieve dry eyes

Prima Saigon: Highly air permeable scleral lens helps relieve dry eyes


For some severe or chronic cases of dry eyes, ophthalmologists recommend Ortho-K nighttime rigid contact lenses. This is a lens that helps to reshape the corneal structure when worn while sleeping at night, thereby eliminating refraction during the day, helping patients to see things clearly without the need for glasses.

The mechanism of action of lenses is to flatten the center of the cornea during sleep, thereby helping light focus on the retina and the patient can see clearly everything for a certain period of time after removing the glasses. Ortho-K is rigid enough to reshape the cornea, but also permeable enough to allow oxygen to pass through the glasses and ensure healthy eyes.

Currently, the cost of using Ortho-K glasses is about 16,000,000 VND – 20,000,000 VND depending on the brand. Patients can safely go to an intensive eye exam and choose the most suitable glasses under the advice of a doctor at Prima Medical Center Saigon

  • The team of doctors is highly qualified.
  • Modern equipment system.
  • Clean and civilized medical examination and treatment environment.
  • Optimal medical examination and treatment process, saving time and costs.
  • Use contact lenses properly
Prima Saigon Tips: Do not use contact lenses for longer than recommended (no more than 8 hours per day).

Prima Saigon Tips: Do not use contact lenses for longer than recommended (no more than 8 hours per day).

Here are some recommendations from your ophthalmologist when using contact lenses to prevent dry eyes:

    • Wash hands before wearing.
    • Do not use contact lenses for longer than recommended (no more than 8 hours per day).
    • Use an appropriate glass cleaner and store the lenses as directed after each use.
    • Do not wear contact lenses when bathing or swimming. Chlorine and salt water can dry out contact lenses, and bacteria present in the water can increase the likelihood of eye infections and irritation.
    • Do not wear contact lenses overnight.
    • Use artificial tears.
    • Proper use and storage of lenses helps limit dry eyes

If the dry eye syndrome persists and there is no sign of relief after applying the above methods, the patient should visit Prima Saigon to find out the root cause and get advice on appropriate treatment.

Refractive surgery

In order to no longer experience inconveniences when using contact lenses, patients can refer to refractive surgery (near, far, astigmatism). Currently, Prima Medical Center Saigon has 4 modern and popular surgical methods: Phakic, Microkeratome Lasik, Femtosecond Lasik and ReLEx SMILE,

Our Lasik & Refractive Care Team:

If you need a lenses fitting assessment, please have a visit to Prima Medical Center Saigon:

  • Address: 27 Ky Dong St, District 3, HCMC
  • Website: https://primahealth.vn/en/
  • Business Hours: 07:30 – 17:00 from Monday – Saturday
  • HOTLINE: 0919-209-039 or 1900 – 9115