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Eyecare & Aesthetic, Prima Medical Center Saigon, Refractive and Lasik

Should Designers Undergone Refractive Surgery?

24 August, 2023

Many people in the design industry (graphics, fashion, architecture, etc.) desire refractive surgery to eliminate the inconveniences of glasses and contact lenses. However, their jobs require them to work with electronic devices, so they often need clarification before deciding to have refractive surgery.

Eyes and hands are important parts that directly affect work. Therefore, every impact, even the smallest, is carefully considered by them.
Eyes and hands are important parts that directly affect work. Therefore, every impact, even the smallest, is carefully considered by them.

They fear complications that may affect their work (reduced color sensation, difficulty seeing details, etc.). Are these complications possible, and how to fix them? Find out with Prima Medical Center Saigon through the article below!

Why do people in the design industry hesitate before deciding to have surgery?

For those who pursue design, eyes, and hands are essential parts that directly affect work. Therefore, they carefully consider every impact, even the smallest one. Myopia surgery is an important decision, and they inevitably worry about possible abnormalities after surgery, whether it will affect the long-term vision quality of the eyes or not.

Some concerns about nearsightedness of people working in the design industry can be mentioned as:

  • It’s hard to help to see details.
    Reduced perception of color (tone, tint, intensity).
  • More sensitive to light.
  • Eye fatigue when looking at it for a long time.
  • Nearsightedness due to frequent need to look at the electronic drawing board.


Complications of nearsightedness affect the design work correctly or not?

Need help with looking at details?

Surgery will help the eyes see details more clearly and realistically when wearing glasses because there is no longer an obstacle that is glasses or contact lenses in front of the eyes. At the same time, getting scratched or dirty glasses can make the patient see objects out of shape and more blurred.

Immediately after refractive surgery, near vision may not be immediately sharp because natural accommodation takes time to recover. A small number of patients reported a feeling of fog after ReLEx SMILE surgery. The reason is that after SMILE surgery, the space left in the cornea after parenchymal core removal will need time to heal completely; during this time, the eye will feel slightly foggy. However, these are short-term phenomena, most of which improve after one week to 1 month (depending on the patient’s location) and do not affect vision in the long term.

Reduced perception of color (tone, tint, intensity)?

Myopia surgery does not affect the patient’s ability to perceive color. Current surgical methods only involve the surface of the cornea – the outermost part of the eye (for laser surgery) or do not affect the corneal structure (for Phakic surgery). The part that helps perceive color is the retina’s cone cell- the eye’s innermost part.

According to statistics, almost all patients who undergo nearsightedness surgery do not report a decrease in eye color perception. However, the first time the cornea has not fully recovered, the patient may see slightly blurred images, leading to the color not being clear, so it is often assumed that myopia surgery causes the eyes to decrease the ability to perceive. Color. This is a normal phenomenon and will go away after a few weeks, depending on the location of each patient.

More sensitive to light?

After myopia surgery, patients may feel glare or see halos when looking directly at light sources such as light bulbs, flashlights, etc. Depending on myopia, this is also a normal phenomenon and will disappear after a few weeks. Depending on the location of each patient. The sensitivity to light will not last long and affect the patient’s vision when it is necessary to perform design operations on electronic boards.

Are you tired of looking at it for a long time?

Many believe that after myopia surgery, the eyes will be weaker and more prone to eye fatigue, affecting work and daily activities. However, the cause of eyestrain is due to the eyes having to adjust a lot when looking closely for a long time, such as reading for too long, driving a long distance, or looking at a computer screen or other devices for a long time. Electronic, not surgical. Therefore, to overcome eye fatigue, patients need to give their eyes a break after every 20 minutes of work so that the eyes can relax, release regulation, and combine the use of artificial tears to provide moisture. For eyes, they reduce eye fatigue caused by dry eyes.

Recurrent due to often working with an electronic drawing board?

For those in the design industry, nearsightedness is the biggest worry when the eyes constantly look up close to manipulate computers and electronic drawing boards. The risk of re-appearance is shallow:

It only accounts for a tiny percentage, and the patient can be controlled entirely using scientific eyes after surgery.

  • Apply the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes of work, look 20 feet (~6m) away for 20 seconds.
    Get enough sleep 7-8 hours a day.
  • Do not work or use electronic devices in the dark.
  • Add foods good for your eyes: Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Omega 3, etc…
  • Periodic check-ups as prescribed by the doctor.

So, should people working in the design industry have surgery?

Myopia surgery will not affect the patient’s design work, even helping them see the small details in the design and be more comfortable in daily activities. Therefore, those in the design industry can safely operate nearsightedness without worrying about long-term eye complications.

Before surgery for myopia, the patient needs to have an in-depth eye exam to determine if the eye meets the requirements for surgery. Some popular refractive error treatment methods that people in the design industry can refer to are Phakic, ReLEx SMILE, Femtosecond Lasik, and Microkeratome Lasik. Patients can refer have the modern – safe – fast recovery methods of surgery at Prima Medical Center right here.

Our Lasik & Refractive Care Team:

If you need a Refractive assessment, please have a visit to Prima Medical Center Saigon:

  • Address: 27 Ky Dong St, District 3, HCMC
  • Website: https://primahealth.vn/en/
  • Business Hours: 07:30 – 17:00 from Monday – Saturday
  • HOTLINE: 0919-209-039 or 1900 – 9115