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Prima Medical Center Saigon, Eye Diseases, Glaucoma, Retina

Laser photocoagulation

26 August, 2023

In 1968, L’Esperance was the first to use the Argon laser to treat diabetic retinopathy. In 1971, when Zweng, Little, and Peabody attached the Argon laser system to the slit lamp, whole-retina photocoagulation was easier to perform and more widely available.

Prima Saigon: photocoagulation

Prima Saigon: photocoagulation

1. Definition

Laser retinal photocoagulation is the use of a laser with a wavelength consistent with the absorption spectrum of the retinal pigment epithelium to coagulate the layers of cells that cause adhesions between the choroidal layer and the retina.

Types of lasers used for retinal photocoagulation

  • Argon laser blue, green
  • Green Argon laser. This is the most commonly used laser for total retinal photocoagulation
  • KTP laser or Nd . laser
  • Color laser
  • Laser Krypton
  • Laser Semiconductor Diode

2. In what cases is laser retinal photocoagulation indicated?

  • Treatment and prevention of retinal detachment: retinal tear or retinal hole; Retinal degeneration; The second eye of people with severe myopia has mixed degeneration in which the other eye has had retinal detachment; The ligaments in the vitreous pull the retina…
  • Treatment of retinal ischemia.
  • Treatment of proliferative diabetic retinopathy
  • Treatment of retinal neovascularization: age-related macular degeneration, or after chorioretinitis, optic disc neovascularization
  • New vessels anterior or adjacent to the papilla.
  • New vessels of the retina of medium or large size (>1/4 of the optic nerve)
  • Hemorrhage in the vitreous – photocoagulation when microvascular malformations are located between the ring exudates in the posterior polar retina
  • Macular edema: diffuse, cystic, edematous or partial
  • Contraindicated for systemic and ocular diseases that do not allow surgery.

3. Steps to proceed:

  • Pupil dilator drops
  • Apply local anesthetic to the surface of the eyeball – Use Mainster Wide Field contact lenses with 0.2% Lacrinorm gel on the cornea of the eye to be treated. – Set treatment parameters

4. Attention after laser photocoagulation

  • An eye bandage for 6-24 hours is required if post-ocular anesthesia is required.
  • Use mild pain relievers when there is pain. If the patient has a lot of pain, it is necessary to check for acute glaucoma due to choroidal hemorrhage.
  • Patients should avoid vigorous activity, bending over or coughing a lot because it can cause rupture of new vessels in diseases with choroidal neovascularization.
  • Re-examination after 2-3 weeks to see if the lesions have enough scars, if not enough, add more

Laser peripheral iridotomy

1. Designation

  • The patient has a shallow room with a narrow angle.
  • One eye has been operated on acute angle closure, the other eye has not closed angle.
  • The eye has had acute angle closure episodes but the angle is not open ≥ 1/2 of the angle.

2. Mechanism of action

The laser creates a small hole in the iris periphery, making it easier for the fluid to flow from the back of the iris to the front to reduce pupil blockage.

3 Peripheral iris laser process

  1. Prepare patient: instill Pilocarpine 2% pupillary drug 1 hour before laser.
  2. Apply local anesthetic before placing Abraham contact lenses (66D).
  3. Set treatment parameters

4. Post-surgery

  • Monitor intraocular pressure 1-2 hours later
  • Topical corticosteroids 4 times/day x 7 days
  • Analgesic
  • Glaucoma-lowering medicine acetazolamide 250mg 2 tablets / x 2 days.

Our Ophthalmology Care Team:

If you need an eye assessment, please have a visit to Prima Medical Center Saigon:

  • Address: 27 Ky Dong St, District 3, HCMC
  • Websitehttps://primahealth.vn/en/
  • Business Hours: 07:30 – 17:00 from Monday – Saturday
  • HOTLINE: 0919-209-039 or 1900 – 9115