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Eyecare & Aesthetic, Eyes, Prima Medical Center Saigon

Lubricating Eye Drops or Artificial Tears for Dry Eyes

22 August, 2023

The scratchy, burning feeling and irritation of dry eyes can be very uncomfortable. Eye strain from computer use, certain medical conditions, and smoky or windy environments are just a few dry eye causes. Lubricating eye drops—artificial tears—can help relieve this discomfort.

What Are Lubricating Eye Drops?
Lubricating eye drops, also called artificial tears, provide moisture and relief for dry eyes due to temporary causes, like being tired or being in a dry climate.

How Do Artificial Tears Relieve Eye Dryness?

Lubricating eye drops works by adding some of the same elements your tears naturally have. This helps your tear film work more effectively to protect the surface of your eyes.

You can get lubricating eye drops without a prescription. There are many brands to choose from but remember that no single brand works best for all types of dry eye. You should try a few different brands to find the one that works best for your eyes.

You may need to use a lubricating ointment or gel for more severe dry eyes. These are thicker than regular drops and stay in your eyes longer. They may blur your vision temporarily, so most people prefer to use them just before bedtime.

Are Lubricating Eye Drops Safe?

Lubricating eye drops are generally safe to use as often as needed if they do not have preservatives.

Eye drops with preservatives have chemicals designed to keep bacteria from growing in the bottles once they are opened. Many people find the preservatives irritate their eyes, particularly if they have more severe dry eyes. Many eye doctors recommend not using eye drops with preservatives more than four times daily.

Preservative-free eye drops have fewer additives. They are usually recommended for people with moderate to severe dry eye. They are often best for those who use artificial tears more than four times daily.

Artificial tears can have side effects, such as blurry vision. It is also possible to have an allergic reaction to the medication. Symptoms can include itchiness, swelling, breathing problems, dizziness, or sickness. If you see any signs like this, stop using the eye drops and see a doctor right away.

Our Ophthalmology Care Team:

If you need an eye assessment, please have a visit to Prima Medical Center Saigon:

  • Address: 27 Ky Dong St, District 3, HCMC
  • Website: https://primahealth.vn/en/
  • Business Hours: 07:30 – 17:00 from Monday – Saturday
  • HOTLINE: 0919-209-039 or 1900 – 9115